Treatment options for children

Here at Orthosmile, we are a leader in orthodontic treatment for children and offer many different types of braces to suit your child's orthodontic needs. Our three practices across West London offer all types of braces listed below.


Removable braces/appliances

Sometimes your orthodontist may recommend the use of a removable brace or appliance for your child. These are removable, clear plastic plates that clip into place behind the teeth held in by a wire. Removable braces can be used to treat: 

  • Correction of crossbites
  • Reduction of overbites
  • Expansion of the upper jaw to create space and prevent crowding
  • Habit breakers in children with thumb or finger sucking habit 

Treatment with a short course of removable braces at the right time where issues are diagnosed early in children may prevent future orthodontic problems, or ease future treatment with fixed braces if necessary. Talk to our team at Orthosmile to see if removable braces are a suitable option for your child or teenager. 

Treatment for children

Functional appliances

A functional appliance may be recommended as part of your child’s orthodontic treatment. These are removable braces that are worn on the upper and lower teeth at the same time.

These are effective when used just before the teenage growth spurt, which is usually between the ages of 8-12 in boys and 8-11 in girls, although can be used even earlier in more severe cases.

The most common functional appliance, the twin-block, works by having two separate upper and lower interlocking parts which naturally postures the lower jaw further forward with the aim of improving lower jaw position over time, during child growth and development.

The duration of treatment with functional appliances will vary among children but can typically last between 6-12 months. These braces should be removed only for cleaning, eating and playing sports.

When used at the right time and if worn as instructed by your orthodontist, the results achieved with functional appliances over a short period of time can be quite remarkable.

Treatment for children

Carriere® Motion Appliance

The Carriere® Motion 3D™ appliance is a small, discreet appliance that fits onto the side of your teeth. This minimally-invasive and the comfortable appliance provides an alternative way to correct posterior malocclusions (mis-aligned back teeth) before braces or Invisalign therapy is commenced. It delivers a light, uniform force or distal (backward) movement with controlled, favourable rotation of the molars, moving the whole canine to molar segment as a unit. Treatment time takes approximately four to six months to complete (with good compliance). The appliance simplicity and ease-of-use adds up to more predictable results and overall shorter orthodontic treatment time.

Other benefits of this treatment include:

  • Fewer orthodontic emergencies
  • Improved oral hygiene during treatment
  • A more comfortable treatment
  • Decreased chair time

Carriere Motion Appliance

Carriere® Motion Appliance

Traditional metal braces

Traditional metal braces are one of the most common methods of orthodontic treatment for children and can be used to treat a wide variety of dental issues, including misalignment, overcrowding and large gaps between the teeth.

Some children and teenagers may want to customise their new braces and opt to have coloured elastics put around the individual brackets on their teeth. At Orthosmile, we have a variety of different colours available and can change the colours or pattens of the elastics at every check-up at one of our practices in West London, making the experience all the more exciting for your child or teenager. 

Traditional metal braces will be more visible than the more inconspicuous options such as ceramic braces or Invisalign clear aligners, but they are much less expensive for you and a good option to consider with your child. Furthermore, brackets that are used are now far smaller and less obtrusive than before, making your child's experience of having braces more comfortable overall. 

Traditional metal braces

Clear ceramic braces

If your child would like a more discreet braces option, but with the same effectiveness as traditional metal braces, clear braces, made out of tooth-coloured ceramic, are a fantastic option to consider and are available as an orthodontic treatment option for children and teenagers alike at Orthosmile. 

If your child is concerned about the metallic appearance of 'train tracks', clear ceramic braces are a great alternative. These blend in perfectly with the teeth and when also paired with tooth-coloured wire, can become barely noticeable. 

A suitable braces option for children and teenagers alike, clear ceramic braces are suitable for the treatment of most orthodontic problems noted within children and are just as effective as their metal counterparts. 

Clear ceramic braces

Wondering what type of treatment is right for your child?

Our highly qualified and experienced specialist orthodontists can discuss the best treatment option to fit your child's needs, lifestyle and budget at their free consultation.

Book your free consultation

Types of braces

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