Feb 23, 2024
5 Tips to Avoid Unhealthy Gums and Tooth Decay
More often than not, unhealthy gums and tooth decay are caused by unhealthy habits; like too much sugary foods in our diet, not brushing our teeth often and properly, etc. You can therefore take control of your dental health and keep these conditions at bay.

More often than not, unhealthy gums and tooth decay are caused by unhealthy habits; like too much sugary foods in our diet, not brushing our teeth often and properly, etc. You can therefore take control of your dental health and keep these conditions at bay. A decayed tooth is a nightmare for any adult or child; decayed teeth have a habit of waiting till at night, before unleashing excruciating pain and discomfort to the patient. Such a tooth may also make your mouth stink. Before you realise it, the tooth has got to be extracted, or filled at a huge cost. But you don’t have to wait for things to deteriorate to that level!
The below 5 tips should guide you in ensuring that you avoid unhealthy gums and tooth decay;
- Avoid tooth picks/ foreign objects; avoid inserting tooth picks too deeply between the spaces at your teeth. These tend to traumatise the delicate mucosa covering your gums, causing painful swelling or bleeding.
- Brush often; brush your teeth often to ensure that you always get rid of any food particles and plaque on your teeth. Fluoride based toothpaste used at a peanut size always does well. Dental experts recommend that one should brush at least twice each day, once after breakfast and once before sleep.
- Avoid sugary drinks/ snacks; these are the greatest culprits in causing tooth decay. Replace sugary drinks with water if you can, and if you have to chew a gum, always opt for a sugarless one. This will not only help you keep teeth decay at bay, but also help to reduce obesity. Living in an area with fluoridated water is known to be a great deterrent of tooth decay in children.
- Flossing; dental flosses are effective at helping to remove food particles and plaque in the interproximal areas of the teeth.
- Holistic cleaning; you should also consider getting a professional dentist to clean your teeth every 6 months.
These are the top 5 tested and proven ways that can help you keep unhealthy gums and tooth decay at bay.